A Successful Saturday

I love Saturdays!  They are the one day that neither Josh or I work and we get to spend the whole day together...sometimes just the two of us and sometimes with friends.  It is just my favorite day of the week.  No stress, no worries, just a fun day!

For our Saturday this weekend Josh and I decided to go to Old Town Orange and hit up the Orange Circle.  The Orange Circle has a bunch restaurants and antique stores.  We thought we'd grab a bite to eat and do some browsing and hopefully find some inspiration.

We headed out Saturday morning and Josh put Orange Circle into his google maps and we were off.  Little did we know we were headed for a street called Orange Circle.  Once we figured out that we were in the middle of a neighborhood, we recalculated...fortunately we were only a mile away from were we wanted to be.  As we redirected our course we stumbled upon Thrift Store Row...aka 5 thrift stores all in one center and most were having anywhere from a 40%-75% sale off of their merchandise.  We quickly made a detour and started our day together bargain hunting.  Luckily for me, Josh is really good at finding good pieces and we grabbed a couple items before we even got to Orange Circle.

We eventually made it to the Orange Circle (after a leisurely detour) and were ready for some good grub!   Watson's is an old historical restaurant where they filmed that Thing You Do (one of my favorites when I was growing up) and so Josh wanted to take me there for a burger and a shake.

We then wandered from store to store looking at antiques and decor stores.  Here are a few of my favorite shots.

I just love this china! 
so want this this mirror! 

After a few hours of walking around for a few hours we decided to head back home, but before we did we stopped by Josh's mom's house since we were about 5 minutes away.  She took us to this store called Mainly Seconds and Goodwill where we continued to thrift and shop.  We got quite a few great items yesterday and all for under $30 at all of the thrift stores.

What a wonderful Saturday out!
