Pinned it! Tried it! Loved it!: Chicken Parmesan Casserole

Recently I have been loving finding new recipes on Pinterest!  I feel like I've been in a recipe rut for awhile now and I'm enjoying trying some new things!  I stumbled upon this little recipe when I was looking for a dish to bring over to my friend after she had her baby.  The recipe seemed easy enough and the picture was inciting.

Pinned It

I decided to give this Chicken Parmesan Casserole a try and it was SO simple!  It took maybe ten minutes of prep time (and that's because I feel the need to cut off every ounce of fat on all the chicken I prep).  Then stick it in the oven for about 40 minutes and you are golden!  I added a little more cheese than they recommended, but I always do that (I just love cheese)!

My documentation: Tried it!

I've made this recipe a few times since and everybody has loved it!  I'm happy to say it is one of my new favorites!

Hence: Loved it!
