When Two Become Three

Sharing the joy of this little life inside of me has been so much fun! 

I'm going to be a mom!  I still can't believe that this is my reality.  As I enter into motherhood I can't help but be grateful and overwhelmed.  I think it is such a gift to be able to raise a child.  To watch them grow.  To help shape them.  To pray for them.  To share with them the hope we have in the truth of the gospel.  Yet all of those opportunities come with great responsibility.  It is overwhelming to think of the influence and the weight of parenthood.  

This is a life long journey that Josh and I are now starting.  Moment by moment we must rely on the Holy Spirit to empower and equip us.  When that home pregnancy test came up as positive, it started.  The prayers for this child have been without lacking.  I can't fathom how I'd make it through this pregnancy and motherhood without prayer and without the Lord.  Its trying, its emotional, and its exhausting--and yet I know this is nothing compared to life after our baby makes its debut.  The Lord is so faithful and I'm confident that He will guide me through.  

It is a crazy thought to think it will never just be the two of us ever again--But I can't wait!
